With our biggest focus on Guatemala, that's not all my Operation Obligation journal is about.... (although it seems like it lately).

Doing small things in the community are also good - and I challenge you to try out some things that we have recently done...

  1. Let that person who only has one can of soda in the grocery store go ahead of you in the line.
  2. An older man who looked like he did not have much money at all had one box of instant mashed potatoes at the store. I couldn't help but tell him I would pay for the box of instant potatoes. The box of mashed potatoes cost only $1. He left the store with the biggest smile I had seen in a long time!
  3. Help your neighbor clean their yard... my son did this last week. A lady in our neighborhood - her husband is deployed. My son helped her catch up on her yard work, as well as scooped up after her dog.
  4. Look around for nice things you can do for someone. I like trying to keep my "good deeds" a secret. That's the best. Have you ever paid for someones McDonalds - and had the workers keep it a secret? Try it, it's a very rewarding experience.
Not long ago, our Pastor preached about doing things like this... we had a campaign in our church called Revolutionary Love... read about it here. :) In case you are wondering, Revolutionary Love is showing the love of Jesus - no strings attached. :)


  1. Aaron said...
    I clicked on your church link and read what is going on in your neck of the woods. I am thoroughly blessed to hear what you guys are doing. I almost want to move there and go to restaurants all the time to see how many free meals I'd get! Yeah right, I'd give more than I ever would receive. What an awesome church!!
    Holly said...
    What a wonderful reminder, Patti! You have obviously taught your children well. I've never tried paying for someone else's meal without their knowing about it, so that is a great challenge!

    One little thing I try to do is make eye contact with, smile at and thank service people, like bus drivers, cashiers, etc. People can be very rude and impatient around where I live, so I try to do my best to give a small bright spot to these people's days.

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