The past few weeks I have felt very strongly that I need to do something else in the world. Something to not only better myself and my family, but help others around us. I've always had the desire to help others in need.

I have stepped out of my "comfort space" and into a new "adventure" so to say. I will blog my experiences to keep myself motivated, and to hopefully motivate others to make this world a better place as well.

Recently, our church announced they will be going on a trip to Guatemala to do volunteer work for the schools and community.
I really felt in my heart that I just needed to do this trip. My 11 year old son has also always wanted to help others. We talked about this in a "family meeting" and it was decided that my 11 year old son and I would go on the trip to Guatemala. We are unsure at this point if any one else in our family will be going. Right now, it just looks like the two of us.

Last night, I was talking to a friend of mine... Daphne - she runs the website, - it is a WONDERFUL website. She has a heart of gold and really does care about the people of Guatemala. Please take time to check out her website, as she really has inspired me to submerse myself into learning more about the Guatemalan culture.
After speaking with Daphne - we decided to sponsor a little boy named Marcos to go to school. We have paid for his first year of school. He is five years old. He lives in a mud brick home, with a tin roof, dirt floors, an outside kitchen, and his family cooks over wood, outside the home.

Right now I am trying to raise the money to buy an onil stove for the family, as this will help them save money. The onil stove provides not only a huge savings to the family, but it also offers a more healthy, and safe cooking place for families to use. Marcos' family cooks over an open fire outside at this point.

The cost for sponsoring a child is only $120. per year. This pays for school books, uniforms, paper, pencils, book bag, shoes and other items needed for the school year. This really is not a bad price to pay for education!

The cost for an onil stove is $125.

Daphnes site is terrific. Money that you donate to her will go 100% directly to help the children of Guatemala - I totally trust her and her husband (who is a CPT in the Army I might add!). She is not only collecting the gift of money, but also items such as stuffed animals, books in Spanish, long pants (no shorts), dresses, shoes, blankets, (there's a big need for blankets)...

The picture I have under this journal entry is of Marcos.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey Patti I just wanted to say you are a total inspiration! I think what you are doing is wonderful and everyone should try and help as much as they can. As soon as we get our tax check I am going to help a child go to school as well. I hope that you have a great time when you go down there. Definetely keep us updated! Thanks again. God Bless.
    Aaron said...
    Very cool!! I love hearing how God is using people to touch others. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if everybody that wants to make a difference did.:-)

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