Food Needed

Right now, we cannot afford to donate extra for food for the boys... I am saving up money but, right now things are tight...

If you feel motivated - you can make a donation for food to the families we sponsor.

The amount is $65 per family for all of the basic foods they need for one month. Or, $125 per family that includes meat/poultry as well.

In the past, we normally pay $65. We do not help with food every month. The last time we supplied the families with food was a couple of months ago.

After sending the totes for the boys (aprox $300 for shipping and supplies inside the totes), & paying for shipping costs of the books (aprox $75) our budget is a little tight.

To send donation, its simple. Just email and let them know who you would like to benefit from your money donation... and let them know which student number the money is for.

You go to: and click the contribute button.

Here are the student numbers:

Marcos: 592
Oscar: 594
Raphael: 605

Please let us know if you donate food for the families - so I can post it here and let others know that it is taken care of.

I was just noticing that Oscar looked a little thin compared to last time I looked at photos of him, however - he could just be growing taller.

I do know that the families are lucky to eat tortillas with salt as a meal...

This is a tax deductible donation through Mayan Families.


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