I'd love to hear your suggestions on how we can raise money for Oscars home! :)

I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of organizations, and also from a newspaper reporter or two... this will help generate publicity for Oscars home.


  1. Daphne said...
    I just started an ornament fundraiser (see my blog). Maybe you could do one too, but with a different design.
    Aaron said...
    You could use the time of year as a promotion to give. At halloween pass out candy with a note on it sharing your fundraiser and a way to give. At Christmas promote giving a gift to someone in need. You could rake leaves, shovel snow, pick up limbs, etc. Get together with your pastor and share your heart. It may be something he wants the church to get involved with. Maybe he'll let you promote the things you are doing and/or get people to help.

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